Helen Wadge Yoga

Hello, I'm Helen, a Bristol based yoga teacher who offers accessible yoga classes to the local community. 

I’m also a Mum and a lifelong lover of creativity in all its forms… an ex- dancer who loves words, music, art and reading. (Give me bright colours and neo soul and I’m happy.)

My classes aim to:

  • Be Accessible: I make classes as affordable as possible and teach in spaces rooted in the local community. I want students to understand the purpose behind their practice, so I make explanations as straightforward as possible

  • Be Inclusive: I am committed to serving diverse people, reflecting the diversity of the local community. People of all abilities, genders, sexualities, ethnicities, religions, ages and body types are welcome in my classes. 

  • I want everyone to feel welcome and supported and offer adaptations and options throughout sessions. 

  • Honour Yoga’s roots: Yoga is an ancient wisdom tradition from India and South Asia, which is now taught across the world and often oversimplified. As a white British yoga teacher, I am on a lifelong journey to study yoga, honour its roots and teachings, and express gratitude and repayment to the places and people for whom yoga is part of their heritage.

  • Be less hierarchical: While I will guide you through practice and share my experience and learnings with you, the practice is yours. I welcome you to connect to your body and make decisions (often intuitive ones), or ask questions, so that you can get what you need from the practice.

  • Encourage curiosity and observation: Let's get curious and humble. Let's learn through observing ourselves, our experiences, and our patterns. Let’s bring playfulness and come to the practice with an openness and a sense of exploration.

My teaching style is warm and soulful, drawing from over 10 years of experience working in inclusive community roles, charities, and the arts. 

I hope you will leave feeling centred, calm, and more connected with your breath, body and spirit. I believe in the transformative power of yoga.

I am also the co-founder of The RISE Collective:https://therisecollective.org.uk


  • Mother and Baby Soft Yoga: Peter Walker (Fedant accredited): March 2024

  • Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training: The Himalayan Institute (Ganga Devi): April - September 2022

  • Decolonising Yoga, Kalli Schut: Jan 2021

  • Tantra (Chakras, Kundalini and Meditation): Shiva Shakti Yoga: October 2020

  • Introduction to teaching trauma sensitive yoga to diverse communities, Our Mala, Oct 2020

  • Yoga Foundations/ Decolonising Yoga, Souldier Yoga (Firdose Moonda): September 2020

  • Chakra Mandala Vinyasa, TheYoga People (50 hrs): May 2019

  • Embodied Anatomy Lab, Mollie Morris (30 hrs): April 2019

  • 200 hr YTT, Stretch London, Yoga Alliance Approved: June 2017

  • Total Barre Instructor Foundation Course, STOTT PILATES- YMCA, March 2017

  • Dance Graduate Teacher Programme: Outstanding, Oxon- Bucks Partnership: 20th June 2013.

  • B.A: First class honours in Dance studies, Roehampton University: 2nd July 2008.


Beginners Yoga Bristol

“The word yoga means ‘unity’ or ‘oneness’. In spiritual terms as the union of the individual with the universal consciousness. On a more practical level, yoga is a means of balancing and harmonizing the body, mind and emotions. “

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

“Helen's classes offer a sanctuary of calm that have become a highlight of my week. The sessions are relaxed, friendly, and accessible. Fantastic for anyone looking for a nourishing slice of self- care! You will feel amazing after a slow flow session with Helen!” 
